Monday 3 January 2011

DETOX PREP: Fail to plan..Plan to Fail.

As D. Day approaches.. (my Detox starts 'proper' on Friday) I'm getting lots of messages from Twitter, Facebook and 'real people' ! who want to follow and join in the Detox Blog but are worried about sticking to an exact programme.

I've given links to the programmes I am following, but I'd love you to get involved even if you're following a different or altered programme.
It's all about 'shared experience'..the highs when your skin has a glow or you fit into jeans and, of course, the 'Fail days'..when we cave to temptation.

I live alone and am the first to accept that in lots of ways this makes my Detox easier...I don't have the aromas of temptation around me. One young mum has commented she fears even her toddlers porridge will look tempting 3 days in!

Another reluctant participant (to be fair she is a mum and has her own Beauty Salon to run...she knows who she is but i'm observing client confidentiality here!!) has asked if it's possible to stick to the rules ...but using Pret a Manger to supply her salads and soups! Great. Brilliant. Go for it. This experience, after all, is:
to see if it actually is possible to Detox effectively in our real world's - without retreating (literally) to far flung corners of the earth.

Do your best.That is all you can do.
Follow whatever programme you are most likely to stick to..the basic ground rules are the same. the hope that i'm catching you all still 'stuffed' with Christmas excesses - let's just do it in one quick 'ripping off the plaster' moment...below is a list of what MUST NOT PASS YOUR LIPS ON A DETOX:

Caffeine + alcohol - including black tea

Nicotene and any other recreational drugs.

All Wheat products- including bread

Complex Carbohydrates - including pasta and rice

All complex protein - including meat products and eggs

All dairy produce including milk

Salt and harsh spices

Hydrogenated fats

Artificial sweeteners including commercial chocolate and biscuits

Food additives and preservatives

Fried Foods

Ready Meals and Microwave Meals

Fizzy drinks, cordials and non-fresh juices.

Ouch! Wasn't too bad was it?

Please follow the blog and comment ...let me know if you're trying different programmes ..or the same..and how you are planning.

Remember it's only 7 days...surely our 'insides' deserve an Annual Holiday too!


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